School of Ministry Launch

We are launching our School of Ministry that will meet every Wednesday night for the next 1.5 years. This curriculum is provided by Dr. Leon van Rooyen of Global Ministries.

The Perfect Father

So often, people stand in a place of not knowing who their father is. Father’s Day can be a difficult time for someone who didn’t know their father or had […]

God’s Ever-Present Healing Power

God’s Ever Present Healing Power Faith to receive the breakthrough for your healing comes from the word, and the word demonstrated. The Bible is filled with stories of Jesus healing […]

Defeating the Schemes of the Enemy

As Believers, we live in the realm of the enemy’s kingdom. In order to walk in victory over all the schemes of the enemy, we must stand our ground in […]

Pakistan Tour – Feb 2024

There comes a time when all things begin to mesh together. In two weeks, Adam and I will be wheels up and on our way to Pakistan to begin a […]

3 Simple Ways to Grow Your Faith

2024 is upon us. We’re stepping into a new year, and as always resolutions galore start coming out. As believers, there are many things we could attempt to commit to, […]

Ladies Bible Study

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Awakening The Warrior Heart In You

Judges Chapter 6 brings us to a man named Gideon. The Israelites are in trouble, and they need someone to stand in the gap, take charge, and engage the nation […]