Praying Through Until Breakthrough
So often as believers, we feel as if our prayers are never answered. We pray hoping that God will hear us and that we might get the answer if it’s […]
Building an Enduring Faith
Mountain moving faith has to be a faith that has great value. In 2 Peter 1:1-2, Peter addresses the church and says, “To those that have obtained like precious faith.” […]
Praying for Afghanistan
In recent days, we have begun to see a tragedy of untold proportion take place in the country of Afghanistan. As Taliban forces rapidly sweep in and take control of […]
Standing in the Promise
Abraham stood listening to the Lord. In Genesis chapter 12, God told him that if he would obey Him, He would make him a great nation, bless him, and make […]
Stand Bold
Jehoshaphat stood in fear at the news of an impending attack by an army of massive proportions. He had been working to restore the nation to a place of righteousness. […]
The Rod of Your Authority
In Exodus Chapter 3, God shows up to Moses in a burning bush. He waits on Moses to respond by coming close, and then He calls out his name. God […]
Expanding Your Borders
Jesus said in Matthew 16:18, “I will build My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” He then goes on to show how this will happen. […]
The Need For Pastors
Pastors in scripture have been given a God-responsibility to shepherd the flock of God. They carry a serious call to protect the sheep. The calling is one that has, at […]
The Joshua Anointing
There is an anointing that brings us out of our Egypt. This ministry anointing breaks the powers of darkness that hold a life to sin and its power. This anointing […]
Mountain Moving Faith
Mountain Moving Faith The victory of the church is in the faith confession that we possess. Our authority comes from the strength of the knowledge of the word that we […]