Overseas Churches

going into the world

Standing in the Word Ministries has churches in four nations overseas. We have established churches in the nations of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Pakistan, Tanzania, and Zambia. These churches are beacons of the message of God’s power and redemption in their communities. In the surrounding area of these churches, there are a lot of false doctrines and false worship, so the planting of these churches preaching the pure truth of the Gospel is strategic and vital.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

As of January 2025, Standing in the Word Ministries has become a recognized entity within the nation. We are collaborating with Pastor Useni Isimbi, who leads a SITWM church in Tanzania. This recognition has provided multiple churches with coverage, allowing them to avoid government shutdowns. As a result, nineteen churches that were previously at risk have now been saved from closure. These churches initially had denominational support, but when that denomination pulled away, the government threatened to shut them down. Today, these churches are protected under the covering of our ministry through an Apostolic Agreement.


As of November 2024, Standing in the Word Ministries is a recognized organization in Pakistan. This recognition allows for the establishment of churches in rural villages without the risk of government closure. In our church planting project in Pakistan, we are also digging water wells in these areas to provide vital resources to the communities. Pastor Giovannetti has authored a small book on fundamental doctrine to ensure doctrinal stability in these churches. The book has been translated into Urdu, the native language, and is actively being distributed to various ministries. Stay tuned for updates on our first church plant!


In the nation of Tanzania, we have three churches operating. All three churches are located in the Nyarugusu Refugee Camp near Makere, Tanzania. These churches are overseen by Pastor Useni Isimbi. These churches have been operating as Standing in the Word Ministries since January 2022. Many conferences and events are held by Pastor Useni at his church location inside the refugee camp. Pastor Giovannetti desired to visit during his time in Tanzania in September of 2022, but the officials of the camp shut down visitation before his arrival and it is still shut down today. Regardless of the current circumstance, Pastor Useni’s congregation and the three other SITWM churches are actively growing numerically and spiritually as they advance the kingdom of God throughout the refugee camp!


Since April of 2021, we have been partnering with Pastor Jacob Nasibebo in Livingstone, Zambia. He reached out to us with the desire to become a part of our ministry and plant a church in his village that preaches the uncompromised word of God with demonstration and power. One year later, in April of 2022, we would begin a church-building project with Pastor Jacob. This building would be finished in just over one year to the amazement of everyone around the village. In October of 2023, Pastor Giovannetti and Media Director, Adam Elias, would visit Pastor Jacob and Standing in the Word Ministries in Livingstone, Zambia. Together the three of them conducted a one-day power-packed celebration. The day consisted of a dedication ceremony of the church and an evangelism crusade that saw over 100 people dedicate their lives to Jesus and 23 healings! Today, Pastor Jacob Nasibebo and Standing in the Word Ministries of N’Songwe Village near Livingstone, Zambia, are running hard to see the kingdom of God advanced in the lives of those all around by pushing back the powers of darkness and witchcraft. They are actively conducting evangelism outings, children’s ministry, and praying for the sick.

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