
Fresh Fire Media

Fresh Fire Media is the media outreach of Standing in the Word Ministries. This media outreach currently touches 50 million homes via Christian Television in five different nations. Additionally, we are ministering to 6,000 followers on social media weekly. We are also actively conducting online evangelism crusades and conferences for church leaders.

​Crusades and Conferences

Pastor Giovannetti and his assistant, Adam Elias, are actively traveling overseas yearly to conduct open-air evangelism crusades and conferences for pastors and church leaders. The doors are wide open for international travel to the nations to impact lives through the word of God and the tangible experience of God’s power. 
“How beautiful upon the mountains Are the feet of him who brings good news, Who proclaims peace, Who brings glad tidings of good things, Who proclaims salvation, Who says to Zion, “Your God reigns!”” – Isaiah 52:7 NKJV

Pakistan Clean Water Project

As a ministry, we are actively planting clean water wells in the neglected and rejected areas of rural Pakistan. Each time a water well is dug, the Gospel is preached to the village! Very soon we will be beginning to plant churches in these rural areas.

Bibles for Pakistan

Multiple times a year, we participate in online crusades in rural villages of Pakistan. Each time we do the evangelism crusades, we provide finance for Bibles to be bought for the families that give their life to the Lord. Without these events, many of these people would never have received access to a Bible.

Overseas Churches

We are operating as a spiritual covering for churches in four different nations. These churches operate as Standing in the Word Ministries in their locations. We partook in a great church-building project with our church in Zambia. We are currently operating in Pakistan, Tanzania, Zambia, and soon the DRC.

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