
Support Standing in the Word Ministries

Ways to Give

Online - USA

Securely give online through our giving form sponsored by

Cash or Check

All checks are to be made payable to Standing in the Word Ministries.

Standing in the
Word Ministries
PO BOX 108
Morris, Illinois 60450

Paypal - international

International donors can now securely give online using Paypal.

Standing in the Word Ministries is a global ministry confidently touching 200 million homes! From our overseas programs, evangelism crusades, churches that are becoming established, and our Dig a Well Project in Pakistan, we believe that we are good ground for your seed. We believe that as you sow into a ministry, it should be good seed, good soil.

We believe as a ministry of integrity, and as we are sowing good word into you, your giving is a candidate to be blessed back a hundredfold, as God gives back to you [Luke 6:38]. We also believe that your tithe belongs in your local church. If you are being blessed by this ministry and choose to sow a seed into who we are and what our vision is determined to accomplish, then we thank you wholeheartedly. For your trust in investing into who we are, we in return, will commit to pray and speak a hundredfold blessing back into your life, your home, and your family [Mat. 13:18-23].

Thank you for your support.

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor:... Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Ecclesiastes 4:9,12 NKJV

By becoming a financial partner with Standing in the Word Ministries, you are not just sowing finance. You are becoming a vital part of the harvest of souls; saved, healed, and impacted by the Gospel through this ministry. Without partnership from people like you, we cannot reach the lives that we are. We want to say a whole-hearted thank you to everyone who is actively partnering with us. We are praying for God’s blessing and favor to return to you.

If you are not yet a financial partner and are being blessed by the work of this ministry, please consider becoming a partner with the work of God that is happening through our ministry. Becoming a financial partner is choosing a pledged amount of finance you want to sow into the ministry consistently, whether weekly, monthly, or yearly. We ask you not only to partner with us financially but also prayerfully. Prayer is what moves mountains and opens doors to spread the Gospel.

For each partner, we will send you a copy of Pastor Giovannetti’s book “Crossing Your Jordan” & a Standing in the Word Ministries coffee mug. Please call 815-734-3399 or email fr*******@st***************.org to redeem your partnership gift. 

Ways to be a Partner


Each week, we are confidently touching 200 million homes through television. We are digging clean water wells in rural Pakistan and planting churches. Monthly, we are sending finance overseas for the purchase of Bibles for those that get saved in our online crusades in rural Pakistan. We are actively equipping our church plant in Livingstone, Zambia, for success and more. These are a few of the things that we are actively accomplishing. None of this is possible without your faithful partnership. Standing in the Word Ministries may not be a mega-church, but we are operating as a mega-ministry, impacting millions of lives through our outreach overseas. We do as much as we can with whatever we have to impact lives with the message of Jesus Christ.

Pastor Richard & Cathy Giovannetti