Bibles for Pakistan

Empower Souls: Spread God’s Word 
in Pakistan

As a ministry, we are actively working with a well-known Pakistani evangelist who is doing evangelism crusades. Pastor Giovannetti has ministered in ten online crusades with this evangelist in rural villages of Pakistan. So far, we have seen 3,479 souls brought to the Kingdom of God and hundreds of bodies healed. Every time we do a crusade, we want to provide Bibles to the families. We believe that the word of God is essential for every person. Each time we raise the funds of $1,000-1,250 USD, we schedule a crusade.

Each time we have these services, there is a team on the ground in Pakistan at these selected locations who prepare the crusade and conduct a time of worship. When they are ready for the speaking of the word of God, Pastor Giovannetti joins via Skype and is projected onto a large screen for all to see at the crusade. Once finished sharing the Gospel, he prays for those who are sick in the meeting. In these crusades, we have seen HUNDREDS healed! Glory to God!

Once the crusade is complete, they pass out the Bibles to each family that gets saved.

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen!

Matthew 28:19-20 NKJV

​Donate $6 to Provide a Bible in Pakistan

These funds go to the purchasing of Bibles for the families. Bibles in Pakistan cost only $6/ea. For only $6, you can purchase a Bible in the native tongue of the Pakistani people! Think of how important the word of God is to you. We know that we couldn’t imagine going a day without it. Most of these people will never get access to Bibles without our help. Prayerfully consider partnering with the great move of God that is happening throughout these great evangelism services.

Partner With Us

The cost of one Bible in the native language of Pakistan is $6. As a ministry, we are investing as much as we can into every project that God has opened the door for us to be a part of. With your financial partnership, we can continue the work at an even greater pace.